You can make a difference.


Each year business owners start off wondering, how will I continue to grow my business this year? What can I do to increase my reach? How can I bring in more clients/customers to then make more income and profits?

Here’s how you can begin:

Just like when you work a certain muscle in your body, like abs for example, you have specific exercises, that focus on that particular area. In business it’s the same. How can we focus on one specific area of our business, like “Sales” or what I like to call, “Client Acquisition” and have a specific activity or task that you will do, repeatedly and effectively?

This is where my first CHALLENGE of the year comes in. I am calling it the 90 DAY, 90 PEOPLE, reach out and CONNECT and ENGAGE with them. We will start this challenge together on Tuesday, Jan. 13th at 8:30 am (Pacific Standard Time) for approximately 30-45 minutes. Every week, we will meet (virtually via Zoom) and see how we are each doing with Connecting and Engaging with 90 different people. They can be people from your immediate circle of influence, or maybe folks on your social media pages that you haven’t DM’d or connected with in while, or even people on your email lists or past clients list.

By the end of 90 days, each person participating in this challenge, will have exercised their Connecting and Engaging muscle, by checking in with at least 90 different people - which in turn hopefully leads to more clients, more referrals, and therefore more $$$. Who wants to play?